
How to Review GitHub Pull Requests When Building a Node.js App
Posted on October 21, 2019 in Git, GitHub, Node.js by Matt Jennings

  1. In a GitHub repo checkout the Pull Request (PR) branch name, like cool-feature-branch.
  2. In your Terminal, to fetch all remote branches to your local machine and checkout the remote Pull Request branch name (like cool-feature-branch) do:
    git fetch --all
    git checkout --track origin/cool-feature-branch
  3. In your Terminal, to checkout out the commits from the remote PR (cool-feature-branch) on your local machine do:
    git log --oneline
  4. Then in your Terminal you’ll see something like:
    a13b8b6 done with passport.js config file
    7f3388e created passport login strategy
    2175180 middle of adding NPM passport authenitcation file
    5428a43 installed dotenv file
  5. Make sure these commits on your local machine match the commits in GitHub! To exit the git log --oneline mode in your Terminal do:
  6. In your Terminal, to run the Node.js app do:
    npm run start
  7. Ensure that nothing is broken, test your app locally, and look at the code in the PR in GitHub!
  8. When ready, merge the PR in GitHub.

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