
WordPress Website for Strong Against Cancer

While working a contract job at Copacino+Fujikado (a small ad agency in Downtown Seattle) through Vitamin T (now Aquent Talent) I developed a WordPress site for Strong Against Cancer (now offiline), a pediatric cancer treatment fundraising initiative that is part of Seattle Children’s Hospital.

Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson has supported this campaign and even mentioned it during a national ESPN SportsCenter TV interview.

I took Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign assets created by an in-house designer and built the website from scratch, including:

  • Using MAMP, phpMyAdmin, Git, and GitHub to build the website locally, deploy to a staging server, and finally making it live.
  • Adding custom post types with meta boxes on every page and a search button (upper-right of website) and custom search page to access the appropriate custom post types and pages.
  • Implementing security features on user-input forms to avoid malicious content being inserted into the website. For example in the “Immunotherapy” section on the home page, I only allowed a user-inputted YouTube video iframe tag to go where the “The End to Childhood Cancer” YouTube video embed appears (see screenshot below).
  • Adding JavaScript effects using jQuery, such as an overlay main menu for mobile devices, a slideshow on the Home page and fly-out boxes on the Get Involved page (see “Artist Isabelle Dorr” text in screenshot below).

Web Developer: Matt Jennings.

Technologies Used:

WordPress, PHP, MySQL, jQuery, JavaScript, Bootstrap 3, CSS3, HTML5, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Git, MAMP, phpMyAdmin, PhpStorm, BrowserStack.com, and cPanel.

Strong Against Cancer - Desktop Home Page

Strong Against Cancer - Mobile Home Page

Strong Against Cancer - Desktop Get Involved Page

Strong Against Cancer - Mobile Get Involved Page