
Archive for the JavaScript Category

Data Structures: Objects and Arrays
Posted on May 28, 2019 in JavaScript by Matt Jennings

Note: Information below was taken from Eloquent JavaScript, 3rd edition, Chapter 4 Data Structures: Objects and Arrays.

Objects allow …

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JavaScript Functions
Posted on May 27, 2019 in JavaScript by Matt Jennings

Note: Information below was taken from Eloquent JavaScript, 3rd edition, Chapter 3 Functions.

A function definition is a regular …

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JavaScript Program Structure
Posted on May 26, 2019 in JavaScript by Matt Jennings

Note: Information below was taken from Eloquent JavaScript, 3rd edition, Chapter 2 Program Structure.

A fragment of …

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Uncommon Knowledge about JavaScript Operators
Posted on May 26, 2019 in JavaScript by Matt Jennings

Note: The majority of the information below was taken from Eloquent JavaScript, 3rd edition.

There are three special …

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Browser Sniff if on Apple Device using JavaScript
Posted on May 16, 2019 in JavaScript by Matt Jennings

What is the list of possible values for navigator.platform as of today? – from

var deviceDetect …

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