My name is Matt Jennings, and I’m a software engineer who builds beautiful websites visited by millions of people.
Some of my skills include:
- React, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and Sass to make heavily trafficked websites user-friendly and accessible.
- Backend experience with PHP, WordPress, Node.js, and MySQL, including making database calls and consuming JSON API endpoints.
- Building multiple websites and pages from scratch based on mockups from design tools like Figma, Photoshop, and Illustrator by collaborating with designers and other project managers.
- Testing websites on the most popular devices and browsers, including real devices and services like, to ensure websites worked correctly for target users.
I’m open to work, so check out my resume and contact me if you have any long term or permanent roles that match my skills.
Featured Projects
Accessible Vanilla
JavaScript Accordion
Accessible and Clickable
Video using JavaScript
Weekly Meetings Block
WordPress Plugin
using React
Search by Pokemon
Name or ID using PokéAPI
with React and useMemo
Strong Against Cancer
Fundraising WordPress Site
Fights Childhood Cancer
MP Ministry Wedding
Officiating Website Helps
Couples Get Married